Anyone else Enjoying Halo 5 Forge?

23 Nov 2013
So Halo 5 forge has finally got matchmaking for custom games, there's doesn't seem to that many games to pick from so I'm assuming there's is barely anyone playing, but why? Strange mouse movement aside it's absolutely brilliant! And as the maps are user made it's pretty much unlimited and free content, and it seems to run really well too, as you may of noticed, I'm impressed. I'm just curious what my fellow PC gamers make of it, and maybe bring it to the the attention of gamers that aren't aware of it.

Is this pretty much like Halo CE was

I never played CE to be honest, this is essentially a map maker for halo5, but it now has custom matchmaking, so in effect it turns it into a completely free halo multiplayer game on PC, with a near unlimited amount of user made content! Just last night I played a nuketown (COD map I believe someone said) map someone made with full teams, it was awesome! It really deserves more recognition it's getting, the potential this has is huge, a FREE halo multiplayer shooter with FREE user made content.

Harry! Hiya pal!

I feel your trying to make a point but I'm not sure what that point is.

Care too elaborate buddy!?
It wasn't a game as such on release, it was/is a map editor, since the matchmaking has come into it, it's basically a fully blown multiplayer shooter
Not many servers at all, I think it's peer to peer, you either make a map or use a one in the data base make the rules and host the session
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