Anyone else getting annoyed with PPE companies?

24 Oct 2012
I have no idea where these guys are getting my work email from but every day I get someone emailing me about how I can reopen my building, how they can help with PPE, disinfection and sanitation services, compartmentalization, etc.

Quite a few of them are really pushy too, even thought I just ignore the majority of them they'll email me over and over, I think the record is at 7 times. This isn't just some bot either, the emails change every time, asking me who they need to speak to, getting more aggressive in tone.

Getting fed up with it to be honest, anyone else here?

And that's my pointless thread for the day, just felt like having a little whinge.
Just got another one. This fella's emailed me about 6 times in the last fortnight:


My stance on cold-calling is an instant no anyway. If I need something, I'll find it or get my mates in GD to recommend something. I absolutely detest salespeople with a passion (dad issues, he was a salesman) so they've got no hope. Good luck to them!
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