Anyone else in my situation? Advice needed :)

8 Oct 2010
I've recently moved houses and I'm in an area where the net is poor. My exchange is ~4.5 miles away, which means I will never exceed 1mb-ish. I share the internet with others in the household, which means it's even worse at times.


What are my options other than moving houses? :p

I've been researching lots of different solutions, such as: a new phone line, so I have my own connection within the house, mobile broadband, satellite internet, etc. The only practical solution so far is mobile broadband as it's within a reasonable price range, however I have no idea how stable it will be. Also the fact that there is no unlimited data usage for mobile broadband, which will probably not work out for me.

Anyone else been in this predicament? and what did you do to fix it? :p
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