Anyone else notice less camera shake with x100 over DSLR?

8 Aug 2010
I thought I was crazy at first, but it always seemed like I could hand hold lower shutter speeds with my x100T over my D810 + 35mm, even though they share the same field of view.

So I wondered if hand hold-ability isn't just related to the focal length itself, but the actual optical formula used in the lens design.

Would a short/smaller 35mm Leica lens design produce less shake, than the really long/big 35mm 1.4 FE lens, even though they have the same focal length?

In the below diagram, I've compared the x100T and D810 with 35mm 1.8, as that's what I use a lot. They share the same or similar field of view, but the potential shake movement/distance, appears to be reduced on the X100's compact design.

Anyone else notice this?

Well of course a full frame professional DSLR vs. a relatively tiny camera with a leaf shutter is going to have more shake. For one thing there's the obvious mirror slap on the DSLR, and then there's the weight of the overall "package" too.
As above, it's down to mirror slap and shutter, nothing to do with aperture.
Your diagram doesn't make any sense when you actually calculate the light field. Camera shake is related to effective focal distance, not physical lens dimensions. That orange bar you highlighted is irrelevant in this regard.
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