Anyone else still riding?

7 Oct 2009
Just wondering how many of us haven't put their toy back in the box for winter?

Personally I'm still riding my FZR everyday as I hate driving and it's much cheaper/more fun.

I ain't scared of no winter :D:p

Though I think I might start riding my kmx as I don't want the old girl to rust from the salt tbh.
Toy? It's my only transport.

Was it not obvious that I wasn't being literal? Many apologies, I did not want to belittle your only transport. :p

What are you riding out of curiosity? Also, what do you mean by , 'I put my foot down'? Was this stationary and it was a slippy surface or something?
Funnily enough I was looking at a few XJs on the bay. Seem to be a fairly decent bike for the money people want for them.

Oh right, I've never even thought of that happening. :eek: Too busy worrying about cornering, pulling away and stopping.

I think I'll start taking precautions whenever I put my foot down from now on then...
as above, my only transport my fazer.

had a nervous ride last week, back end wouldn't stay straight !

Really? I haven't had any problems like this yet. Where abouts are you? We haven't had any snow or anything here and it's only icyish late at night and early morning, other than that it's just wet.
Still using mine daily though hearing the wind whilst in bed this morning almost made me change to the car. As it happens it was hardly annoying. I might go car again if/when it gets freezing.

I was riding today and there were a few times when I almost got blown into the curb. It's so frustrating when this happens :mad:
I've been leaving the house about half 8 so generally it seems not Icey after sun up. Now I'll be leaving around 6. Am rather nervous if we get a cold damp night. Won't we just slide right off?

Possibility is there.

Just take it easy around roundabouts and corners and you should be fine.

Even thought grit salt is a pain for rust, it does it's job and makes the roads fairly safe. Depends on what roads you're going on, of course.
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