Anyone else think discord's UI is terrible?

3 May 2012
We've had Ventrillo, TeamSpeak, Mumble all perfectly fine to use.

The game I play preferred VIOP is Discord, but in my opinion the user interface is horrendous, add a player on to your channel, even with their hash number seems like you need some vodoo magic or a short course in how to do.

Doesn't just seem to be me either, I'd happily admit if it was me being simple, but I am not the only one of the people I play with.

Anyone else?
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I'm not a fan either, it tries to be everything and ends up being poor at all of them. Sound quality compared to the older programs like mumble/teamspeak is also worse.

And don't get me started on notifications sounds, by default there's so many with no real indication to which group/chat/channel it's coming from.
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