Anyone else think SG1 would make an incredible game?

23 Nov 2004
The Place To Be
If a decent games company (that excludes EA and JoWood) got their hands on an opportunity to make a Stargate SG1 game, I think it could be phenomenally successful. The possibilities are endless, and there are so many directions the game could go in.

Anyone agree?
andshrew said:
There making a Stargate based MMORPG called Stargate Worlds :D
Dammit, why did you have to mention that game? I have been peeing my pants in excitement since I heard about it, and I just thought I was getting into a quiet period of not watching the clock every minute until it's released. :p

It's going to rock, HARD! :cool:
The single player FPS was scrapped :( looked pretty cool to.

Lets hope the big online one is good :)

would be awesome to play though.
Nope, what you need for SG1 is a full scale tactical thing like UFO Enemy Unknown, where you go on missions and retrieve alien artifacts, and have to research them and build up your base as you go along. Your team members gain experience as they progress.

The missions could be a Republic Commando style thing, where you can give orders to your team, but with a little bit more depth. You could have foothold situation missions too where your base gets invaded, and the layout would be dependant on what facilities you'd already built.

Thing is, if you pitched the idea to an EA or a Ubisoft, they'd tell you to go away and come back with a plain FPS :mad:

/me wanders off to play UFO and call all the soldiers after SG1 characters....
TBH I rekon a MMORPG will be so much better than a FPS,Although running down the halls of the SGC will a P90 and having the rest of SG-1 backing you up would be awesome. Imagine playing as a goual'd and being able to posess whoever you wanted too. :D

A FPS couldactually really work although the one they were making looked rubbish (I'd still would have bought it though.).

The Stargate franchise would be much better suited as a MMORPG anyway. They'll be able to included basically every aspect of the show and even more. :D
iBot said:
Nope stargate went down hill after season 5, only casual sci-fi fans still like it.
LOL. Hardcore sci-fans hated it since the beginning, the saddle is falling of your horse. :rolleyes:

Some of us care neither way for acting like a fool about something as unimportant as how cool we look to other people, especially when it's in the context of something as inherently un-cool as a sci-fi programme, and simply enjoy the show.
I've loved the idea behind Stargate scince I saw the film when I was about 8! The show must have started when I was 11ish and I remeber watching the first episode to this day!

I stoped watching it when we canceled sky but came back to it in the past 2 years and every series keeps my engrossed!
I don't see why they're just working on the one game, they should bang out a quick real time strategy game, sure it probably won't be anything amazing but it could still be fun and at least we have something then, we should have had some games based on stargate like five years ago.
lol i remember that.

but yeah i would prefere a FPS sg1 game than an rpg, mainly cos i dont like rpg's much :( just loose interest too quickly with them

i mean, after the initial game, assuming it sells well (which im sure it would), imagine how many add-on packs could be released with new worlds to explore etc, new weapons and enemys all based on the tv show :)
Úlfhednar said:
LOL. Hardcore sci-fans hated it since the beginning, the saddle is falling of your horse. :rolleyes:

Some of us care neither way for acting like a fool about something as unimportant as how cool we look to other people, especially when it's in the context of something as inherently un-cool as a sci-fi programme, and simply enjoy the show.

Er, k.
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