Anyone else using Folder Redirection?

1 Aug 2007
Hi all,

I am trying to get folder redirection working for My Documents using Group Policy but get the below error message in the log file.

09:27:33:811 Entering folder redirection extension
09:27:33:827 Flags = 0x0
09:27:33:858 Group Policy Object name = {732424-4361-4DC0-9E6A-6F30FEFFEA63}
09:27:33:858 File system path = \\\SysVol\\Policies\{7AE635355-4361-4DC0-9E6A-6F334536533533}\User
09:27:33:858 Directory path = LDAP://CN=User,cn={7AE6A4D5-4361-4DC0-9E6A-6F30FEFFEA63},cn=policies,cn=system,DC=domain,DC=com
09:27:33:874 Display name = My Documents Folder Redirection Migration
09:27:33:874 Found folder redirection settings for policy My Documents Folder Redirection Migration.
09:27:33:874 Successfully obtained redirection data for My Pictures, (Flags: 0x2).
09:27:33:874 The user was found to be a member of the group s-1-5-21-284166382-85745802-134252340. The corresponding path was \\servername\data\us ususers user files\%USERNAME%\My Documents.
09:27:33:905 Successfully obtained redirection data for My Documents, (Flags: 0x29).
09:27:33:905 Successfully gathered folder redirection settings for policy My Documents Folder Redirection Migration.
09:27:33:905 Redirecting folder My Documents to \\servername\data\us ususers user files\%USERNAME%\My Documents.
09:27:33:905 Previous folder path C:\Documents and Settings\username\My Documents expanded to C:\Documents and Settings\username\My Documents.
09:27:33:905 New folder path \\servername\data\us ususers user files\%USERNAME%\My Documents expanded to \\servername\data\us ususers user files\username\My Documents.
09:27:33:936 Contents of redirected folder My Documents will be copied to the new location.
09:27:34:046 Could not copy file C:\Documents and Settings\username\My Documents\Default.rdp to \\servername\data\us ususers user files\username\My Documents\Default.rdp, error 5.
09:27:34:046 Failed to perform redirection of folder My Documents.
The files for the redirected folder could not be moved to the new location.
The folder is configured to be redirected to <\\servername\data\us ususers user files\%USERNAME%\My Documents>. Files were being moved from <C:\Documents and Settings\username\My Documents> to <\\servername\data\us ususers user files\username\My Documents>.
The following error occurred while copying <C:\Documents and Settings\username \My Documents\Default.rdp> to <\\servername\data\us ususers user files\username\My Documents\Default.rdp>:

Any ideas?

The new directed folder gets created but nothing gets copied over and the My Document Folder doesnt point to the redirected folder.

I have tried a new profile and resetting the system permissions and a completely different machine. I able to get this working for a number of other users though!

It also appears to create these strange files in the redirect location?

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Error 5 is access denied, check permissions, make sure the target folder isn't inheriting any permissions that would screw it ip
09:27:34:046 Could not copy file C:\Documents and Settings\username\My Documents\Default.rdp to \\servername\data\us ususers user files\username\My Documents\Default.rdp, error 5.
09:27:34:046 Failed to perform redirection of folder My Documents.
The files for the redirected folder could not be moved to the new location.
The folder is configured to be redirected to <\\servername\data\us ususers user files\%USERNAME%\My Documents>. Files were being moved from <C:\Documents and Settings\username\My Documents> to <\\servername\data\us ususers user files\username\My Documents>.
The following error occurred while copying <C:\Documents and Settings\username \My Documents\Default.rdp> to <\\servername\data\us ususers user files\username\My Documents\Default.rdp>:

The My Documents folder doesn't get redirected because of the error.

Agree that this is likely a permissions issue, either with permissions on the source files or destination.

To rule out issue with source file, if you move that default.rdp file out of My Documents, does the My Documents redirection work? (or likely does it now complain about some other file in My Documents?)
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