Anyone ever listen (on occasion) to songs on repeat for hours/days ?

30 Jan 2007
PA, USA (Orig UK)
Occasionally I get in a place where I really enjoy listening to one song, and end up putting it on repeat for hours/days.

Right now I'm in that zone again.

Anyone else do this?
Occasionally I get in a place where I really enjoy listening to one song, and end up putting it on repeat for hours/days.

Right now I'm in that zone again.

Anyone else do this?


There was a story in the news about someone playing that 24/7 or all night.

But no.

I listen to the same one maybe two/three times particularly if it's new I'm trying to familiarise, but songs I know, no.
Right now, it is Dua Lipa and 'Physical'. There is nothing particulary special about it, just really catchy.

I haven't listened to her before as I normally listen to alternative etc.
Been a while but some of those YT videos that are 10hrs long can be good. After a while the sounds appear to change. 10hrs of epic saxman!
Yeah absolutely all the time. Once it's in I feel compelled to keep listening, apparently could be a sign of ADHD.
Interesting. It's possible, and I've actively avoided being tested due to stigma as a kid/young adult years ago lol.
Some years ago, one of my **** neighbours played 'You're beautiful' by James effin Blunt for at least 3hrs a day over a couple of weeks, then there was a born again christian dude that played some song called 'Jesus I love you' that consisted only of the repeated lyrics "Jesus I love you" for hours at a time.
I've never wanted to be an arsonist so bad.
Interesting. It's possible, and I've actively avoided being tested due to stigma as a kid/young adult years ago lol.
Same, from watching random YouTube's late into the night I found I actually exhibit a fair amount of the symptoms.

However I'm well passed 30, have had a good stable career for 20 years and don't seem to have the really debilitating parts.
Some years ago, one of my **** neighbours played 'You're beautiful' by James effin Blunt for at least 3hrs a day over a couple of weeks, then there was a born again christian dude that played some song called 'Jesus I love you' that consisted only of the repeated lyrics "Jesus I love you" for hours at a time.
I've never wanted to be an arsonist so bad.
Just to confirm... neither of those people was me! lol
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