Anyone ever noticed...

10 Feb 2004
Crewe, UK
That MS Word 2007 (WIN) and MS Word 2008 (OS X) both count words differently...

WIN OFFICE - My Dissertation - 6009
OS X OFFICE - My Dissertation - 5823


Nearly as annoying as it decides to change the first letter of some words in the ToC! (In OS X This is)

Although its a bit weird, its to be expected. Very different pieces of software and one probably counts certain elements and the other doesn't.
But a word is a word? And both bits of software are made by the same company so surely the company definition of a word is the same??
Weird how there is such a difference in the word counts (nearly 200)
Try copying and pasting just the text of the dissertion into a new document and try it again (i.e. exclude contents pages, headers foooters, bilbliography etc)
Even though they share the same name, I'm pretty sure there are entirely different teams working on the software. They don't just bolt on a new front end to the Mac version - it's a very different beast written by different people.

Some word counts are configured to ignore things like 'a' and numbers. Also, is a hyphenated word like "on-site" one word or two?

I've never tried to write a spell checking algorithm but if I were to, these are the things I'd be thinking about.
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