Anyone flown Qantas direct to OZ?

7 Aug 2009
As per title, anyone done this flight in economy class?

Wondering how you found the 17 odd hours and was economy decent enough?

Ta for any advice!
Sleeping tablets.

I've flown countless 10h+ flights, whether it be to Murica, Joburg or Sydney. I've learned to take a few sleeping tablets and pop one before getting on the plane. Just don't mix them with your erm... *cough* other tablets, like I did when I was 21. That was quite possibly the most interesting, amazing and friendliest flight I've ever taken. Even the screaming baby in the next row was an absolute peach, the poor bugger.

haha, that sounds like the perfect combo for the 17 hr flight.

Thanks a lot for the info guys, really appreciate. I've done the flight before few years back tfrom heathrow to melb via guangzhou. I think I'll see if I can get a singapore flight, sounds the like the best bet.
Done 14 hours Dubai > Sydney when I was 21 and wasn't too bad, but would definitely go premium/business these days.

My partner is doing London > Darwin end of January in Economy to go home for the first time in two years, remind me and i'll report back her findings! :D

Oh that would be amazing. She must be happy now that the rules have finally been relaxed! The 17 hr flight sounds like such a slog, but there's something appealing about getting on a plane in London and then waking up in OZ, but that's all dependent on whether I sleep or not!

I'm going one way as I am emigrating for good so I think I can bear a bad flight knowing it'll be me my last long one for a while.

Is your partner doing economy? I found a few seats at the back of the 787-9 that they use that appear to be decent! I read that the economy premium seats give you more leg room but reduced width.

Stopover in a country I've never been to before does sound really nice though. Going to have a big think today guys! Thanks very much for all the info!
My tip to beat jet lag when flying west is to get a late flight, like midnight. Then sleep, time it so it lands in UK mornings. Providing you can sleep of course.

Getting a good sleep on the way back, landing at 6am means I was pretty refreshed and awake for the day.

If you struggle to sleep then landing in late afternoon/early evening is probably better then go home and straight to bed.

Thanks a lot Raymond for the info and all of the photos mate, much appreciated.
Quite a new relationship and i've already told her if I do end visiting at some point in the future we'll be flying business as i'm 6'3" and just could not handle that length in economy haha.

Where abouts are you emigrating to?

Bearing in mind that I am only 5 foot 7 , maybe the 787 won't be too bad? Leg room has never really been an issue for me haha.

Going to Brisbane mate, it's been a long time coming and got Nursing position lined up just need to get over by 13th Feb to activate my 189 visa.

Will be staying with cousin initially to get things sorted! Was supposed to be going with girlfriend, but we broke up a few months ago after 6 years together, long story! Oz has been my dream since I was 11 years old, she was getting cold feet and wanting to eventually move back to her home in Valencia whereas I see OZ as a more permanent move and I'm not going to live in Spain, so I had to end it unfortunately. It'll be a sad trip as it was supposed to be together but such is life!
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