Anyone following Vanguard:SOH

1 Dec 2005
The game looks to be very good, if you read the FAQ it has some very great ideas. I'm hoping it'll be all its hyped up to be, but there are some serious "hard core" people on the forum trying to push the game to be extreme and for "hard core" only. Like having huge penalties on death etc.

If they want the game to be challanging and in depth, they dont need to make leveling a full on grind that takes an enternity to gain one level, or make when you die lose levels etc. Just do simple logical things like making bosses very hard to defeat.

Anyone else planning to play it?
SOE dont and arent allowed to touch the game, there just gonna be running the servers and advertisement.
I lost interest in the game as soon as SOE got involved with the publishing/servers/advertising. There's also plenty of others that I think will be better like Lord of the Rings Online and Pirates of the Burning Sea.

I just don't want to play any game linked with SOE after the way they treated the SWG players with the NGE, as the same thing can happen to me if I did.

Then again I might see if I can get into one of the betas to see how it plays.
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Pirates of the burning sea looks intereting too, bit different :) havent heard any recent news on it though.
This is really the only future MMO I'm excited about right now.

Not entirely sure what seems so good about it, just appears to be coming along well. Doesn't seem tinny to me, could offer a real MMO experience that the genre has lacked generally. Well, that's a really hopeful outlook.
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