** Anyone for a round of Golf? - Zaward at OcUK **



8 Aug 2007
Hi Guys

Today marks the return of a veteran brand. Zaward!

Zaward have been renouned in the industry for being the first company to bring us the 'Golf Ball' Fan. Now they are back with the superb 'Golf III' fans.

Featuring impressive specifications and great colour schemes, there is a fan in the range to suit everyone.

Making ideal case fans, superb cooler fans for the PWM equipped models and brilliant modding fans for the LED models. All tastes are catered for.

Not to mention, the prices on every fan in the range represents incredible value.

We are listing the rest of the range slowly so keep checking back for awesome new products to cool your system!

Check out the range here!
I wonder how these fair up against the Sharkoon SE's? Given that they're of the same design, I'm rather intrigued! :D
What benefit does the gold ball design have?

the reason that golf balls have dimples is HERE

essentially, a golf ball with dimples flys much further than one without.

apply the same principle to a computer fan. by putting dimples on the blades, it reduces turbulence, drag etc.

this means the fan should be quieter too :)

zaward have the Golf III design also. whereas the Sharkoon fans are based on the Golf II design.
Which of these fans would I buy to replace the Top and Front fans on my Corsair 650d?

Golf III is a new standard not yet adopted by the Sharkoon brand. So this would be my choice. As for sizes the 650D uses 200MM at the top and 200MM at the front.

You can however use 2x 140mm or 2x 120mm in the roof instead of the 200mm. The front may have similar mounts however I am unsure if if these include 2x 140mm or 2x 120mm so your best bet would be to ask on the forums where a fellow 650D owner may be able to help out :)
Yeah but by reducing drag/turbulence it's just reducing it's performance surely?

its all relative to air resistance I guess

a dimpled golf ball flys further than a non dimpled one when both are struck with identical force.

so a fan with dimples requires less force to rotate than one without.

regardless of this, the Zaward fans have relatively high RPM ratings and therefore huge CFM numbers.

you can put them on a fan controller and they are very very quiet.
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