Anyone going to Farnborough with trade tickets?

17 Oct 2002
Deepest Darkest Leics
I know there are a few people who work in the Aerospace industry here, and I'm desperate for some help after something was highlighted to me today:

Does anyone here have Trade Visitor tickets for Farnborough, who is intending on visiting over the weekend?

I'm going there with Leon and his mate, and bought a couple of tickets a few weeks ago. I was then given 2 Trade Visitor tickets by a supplier, so I sold one of my bought tickets to a colleague at a cut price and gave her another free one which I had acquired. She called me today to tell me that the ticket office had told her that Trade tickets were not valid on the weekend.

Now, it says absolutely nothing about this on the tickets themselves. It merely says "Admits one adult to Farnborough International Airshow 2006 for one day only between 17-23rd July". I think the ticket office have just told her that because they don't like people using their free tickets on family day. Does anyone have some Trade Visitor tickets, which they will be using at the w/e, or has anyone done this before?

Thanks in advance to anyone who can help.
Excellent :) Thank you. I'm going to tell her to keep my ticket. She was concerned that I'd not be able to get in with my free ones so wanted to give it back. I think as long as I make sure Leon's ticket is filled in with someones' name who works for my company, then it'll be fine. I'll just use the name of someone who's already been.

Went to Farnborough today and they didn't ask for ID, just a filled in ticket.
Scuzi said:
I had to work ffs, I was really looking forward to it too. Maybe next year.
I take it you all had a good time? Anything exciting happen?

EDIT: Grrrrrr I hate A340's :p
Next year? You'll have a job :p

Had an absoluely fantastic time yesterday. Some really nice old guy lent me his Canon 100-400L lens to go on my 30D so I had a whale of a time taking photos. Hopefully got a few decent ones too. Will sort through them tonight :)
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