Anyone got a GeoBook 3 laptop

17 Dec 2004
I have had this since last xmas, its a cheap slim laptop and it's "pc world" own, and I just want to know if anyone has upgraded the memory from 4gb to 8gb and if so, how easy was it? Thanks
I have had this since last xmas, its a cheap slim laptop and it's "pc world" own, and I just want to know if anyone has upgraded the memory from 4gb to 8gb and if so, how easy was it? Thanks

I had a quick look online, it appears that that RAM is soldered on meaning it can't be upgraded I'm afraid
That might be the 32gb emmc memory thats soldered not the actual memory? I have ordered a m.2 250gb that Im hoping to use instead of the rubbish 32gb emmc, if it will fit that is. the bios says it take a nvme, so I have ordered this... and the slot looks like this.

So Im keeping everything crossed that it will fit and work :eek: Sorry for going off topic
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Hi, I know this was a while ago so i'm hoping you receive this message,
Was it easy enough to replace ... I'm a woman, can I do this? Haha!
Will my updates work and can I download more?
Tor :)
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