Anyone got an itouch?

6 Jun 2005
Ok I admit it, I love gadgets (the main reason why I bought the 32GB one I just ordered)

Anyone got any good tips- do's/donts?

Travelling to Aus in March so have to get all my music sorted by then
thanks for your advice guys

went to headfi and thought why not invest in some shure phones....then found out the price (even non SE ones) :eek:

think headfi is far too dangerous a place for me (I thought here was bad enough hahahaa)
Raymond what kind of case is that?

I prefer leather/soft cases, but Im not so sure with this, is the sensitivity of the screen reduced in a case?
Thanks for that really helpful - My 32gb itouch arrived after just 24 hours (or there abouts) , really impressed after such a new product
£330 for the 32GB, yes it is but its a new gadget and the screen is great imo even after just getting mine, annoying how you have to give cc details for itunes just to get album covers (it seems even though I have loads of covers already, it wont use them until I have fully registered account with Apple grrrr)
Trying to re-aquaint myself with itunes (unless someone can tell me about anything loading ipods better - guessing that any software wouldnt see itouch or ipod any different after all)

What Im trying to do is sort out all my 100's of singles - they are in one Singles album without any issue, but I was hoping there was a way of all these tracks being "blocked" from the artist list - so in effect I only have artists with full albums showing up on the artist list

Nice buy Frank. My friend has one and I love it, I'll probably get the next generation of them when they are released as I hope to have a full-time job and enough money to indulge by then (whenever that is).

Cheers Nok, great gadget already but Im sure the next gen will be much better
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File > New Smart Playlist, have a gander at the options. :)

I had a look before work but couldnt quite get these right - Im guessing you would still need to use playlists instead of general artist/album view

One thing I would like in the next version is Coverflow for Artists, or to be able to sort the albums by artist (so instead of having boring lists you have lovely pics instead)

I also have a feeling the itouch is a tad quiet, in a bedroom or something its ok, but on a tube (and Im guessing aircraft/airport etc) it just doesnt go loud enough for me - I had a play with the volume limiter/enhancer within properties of some songs but it didnt seem to make any difference at all
Odd, I went past a busy round about with mine at about 50% volume for 4 months and that was plenty loud enough.

I do have the Sennheiser CX300's though.


I got some pretty decent Sony E75's or something - usually these are pretty load on ipods in the past, just not quite so much on the touch , but it could be just me

Will look out for the CX300's to see if they are any better (1/2 price of the Sony's too)
Tag all the tracks in the singles album as compilation. Then in iTunes Edit/Preferences/General check the "Group compilations when Browsing" checkbox.

This removes artists where all their tracks are tagged compilations from the artists list. But if you have artists with some tracks in compilations albums and some tracks not in compilations (their own albums). Then the tracks on the compilation albums will also appear under the artist aswell in compilations.

This is very clever and I don't know of any other player that does this. Its one feature of a couple of features that would make me get a iPod over other players.

I think the "Artist Album" is what appears in the Artist list. Not "Artist" if theres both. So if you are seeing funny artists in the list check the "Artist Album" tag.

I don't have an iPod other than a Shuffle so I don't know how this works when you synch with an iPod. I only use iTunes (along with MediaMonkey) to clean up my tags. As I usually use filetree myself.

Thanks for that - sounds right (and I would never have worked it out) will try when I get home or early tomorrow
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