Anyone got an S.A.D light lamp.

18 Oct 2002
I'm wondering if anyone has any experience with SAD light lamps. Im thinking of experimenting with one to see if it effects my mood, as lack of summers and working in a dark office is making me rather gloomy. Of course at roughly £120 a pop, if they are a con I don't want to bother.

wow, thanks guys. Some help (last 2 comments) and some absolutely retarded comments. Why didn't i think of getting in the sun or standing under a standard light bulb. Must have had my eyes closed. :rolleyes:
See we were trying to help the OP from spending money on a retarded product. Seems some people are more stupid than others. :rolleyes:

Then use your brain and reply with a decent comment on why they are retarded, and not something that makes you look like you have no idea what your talking about.
So far you've posted nothing remotely helpful.
you know i would but the subject is way to much to put on here and medical advice is not allowed. Do some research. The principal is good but there is wayyyyy more to it than getting a lamp.

I've done enough research thanks, that's why i didn't ask how they work, rather i asked if anyone had experience of them first hand. As i can read, but i am smart enough to know everything i read may not be true.
I am also not asking for medical advice, just if anyone found they worked.

I think you should leave this thread before you dig yourself a bigger hole. Your derailing it and its painful obvious you not going to input anything of use.
Got one. Pretty cool. Usually face it towards the while and the light reflects off. They do get very hot bare in mind, so make sure your room temp is alright.

Cool, out of interest, how much did you pay for one. As they range quite widely in price and i can't see any particular reason why?
+1 for getting regular exersise.

I agree, anyone who says exercise is right, but i do a lot. Cycle 2 miles a day, and play golf and football once a week. I also eat fairly well, and am not stressed out by anything in particular.

The reason i was considering this angle is summer days make me freakily happy, and i feel like im lacking heavily is this dept. Im saving to go on holiday but this could be a pick me up if it contributes.
I dont believe there is much, the principle is based on a bulb giving off light as close as possible to the 6500k range, however the difference between the two as far as i can work out is that proper s.a.d lights are designed to kick out a minimum of 2500 lux to simulate the sun (which on a bright day is closer to 100,000) where a standard bulb only kicks out nearer 500.
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