Anyone got any info on a Daihatsu Mira Gino?

9 Dec 2003
Much like this one but with the running gear of this one!!!

I've always had a soft spot for Austin Mini's, especially the Cooper S variant, and this looks like a very modern version of it with all the modern amenities like air bags. And to have a turbo 4WD one at that!! ;)

I know, goes against everything American in a vehicle, but I don't care. Remember, I'm a transplant from up north......
9 Dec 2003
See, it's funny. I think all the rest of the Mira's look like utter crap, except for the Gino. I rather like it. Except only up to 2002, or whichever year they dropped the round headlamps.

I also like the 660cc engine in it. It's exactly the same as Arctic Cat puts in thier new competition snowmobiles just up the road from me, so getting from the stock 68bhp/ton* to around 200bhp/ton would be quite easy for me. And to have it all coupled through full-time 4WD would be pretty cool, too.

*I am talking about the US ton here, which means 2,000lbs.....
9 Dec 2003
Heh, as for the survivability in a crash, have you folks forgotten what I drive as my daily right now? ;)

My favorite saying about my Toyota is that if I hit a deer, they're going to find by broken arse at the side of the road with a bent steering wheel in my hands, 6 inches of my arse skidded along the road, and bits and pieces of my (now exploded) car around me, with the deer needing a tetanus shot!!

I'm really not worried about crash survivability when it comes to a car. Not for myself. I've been in and seen WAY too many accidents that should really have gone completely different. I've seen absolute TANKS of cars completely mangled in low speed collisions that they should have driven away from. I've also seen complete deathtraps survive absolutely insane wrecks that should have seen them vaporised on impact. If I was worried about impact survival, I'd be driving my truck everywhere.

I'm more worried about the ever increasing fuel cost and the lower and lower "fun" factor of available cars. With something like the Mira Gino I'd be looking at insane (in comparison to what I have available now) fuel mileage and a "fun" factor increase of about 60,000%. Also the total uniqueness of it over here would be entertaining for me.

As I initially said, I've always had a soft spot for the original Austin Mini's, and this is the closest I could find to a modern equivilant. Also the availability of parts (with Arctic Cat just up the road) means that repairs and maintenance would be cheap as chips. Also tyres would be pocket change as I do believe they are 12".

I'm looking at it as that I can get a 2002 car delivered to the States for about $3,000. A 2002 car around here would be in the neighborhood of $5,000 and that would be for a banger that's already starting to rust out. Any car in the same condition as that red one I posted above would be in the 5 digit range.

So for a smaller initial payout, cheaper on insurance (as it would be classed as a Dihatsu Charade, which are almost NOTHING to insure) and considerably cheaper to drive (fuel and maintenance) I'd be getting a car that I could have an absolute BLAST driving that didn't punch me in the pocketbook!! :D

No, it wouldn't be a 5 or 7 series bimmer ($49,120 according to Kelley Blue Book), nor an SLC Merc ( $42,345). But I can't afford a $45,000 car right now. Come the new year, I CAN afford a $3,000 car that would be considerably more fun to drive as I wouldn't be constantly thinking, "How much of my paycheck is this hard of acceleration going to cost me?"......

Mind you, if my wife got a chance to drive the thing, I'd probably end up driving a certain slightly beat up 1995 Raspberry coloured Dodge Neon as I don't think I could pry my better half out of the Gino with a crow bar!! :D
9 Dec 2003
MSN is directly below my avatar. Same with YIM and ICQ. They're always on, but may show me AFK (thank you Trillian ;) ).

I'd love to chat as I'm seriously considering contacting Tau Imports and asking if there's any way they can hang on to those two for me unitl Xmas bonus and tax return come through.

DOH!! Looks like I was too slow on the red one. It's already gone. And the crashed white one is at auction. For 20,000 Yen. That's only $170.00 (90 quid)!!!

Decisions, decisions. Do I pay the electric bill or buy the parts car?!?!? :D
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9 Dec 2003
Guess I'm just used to driving my Toyota (17.4s 0-60mph) and 90% of the acceleration is in the 3,500-5,600RPM range. I'm also so used to hearing all the snowmobiles around here revving the nuts off them at 10,000RPM+ screaming through the drifts of snow.... ;)

Mind you, those are also the two-stroke variants.

Gotta say that I love the sound of yours. That distinctive but not overbearing BOV is exactly right, and the exhaust note is terrific!!
9 Dec 2003
I AM!! :D

I currently have Divine_madness, Sin_chase, satpal, and Delonge91 online, so I think it's working. Try sending me a message.

Or e-mail me your handle and I'll try and add you.
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