anyone got D+D online yet?

25 Jun 2004
in the clouds
Dungeons and Dragons Online...

Just seen it for sale down at my local Game for £34.99 and looks good from the back cover. Havent seen any hype for this game even though it looks big budget and a direct competitor of WOW. Any reason there is no hype? (suspicious!)
I'm going to play tonight with some mates.

No different to WoW except that you actually talk to people.

Swiftan said:
No moreso than any other MMORPG, the tabletop version was rather nerdy though :)

I like to think of it as like Warhammer... almost like that spin-off they made "Mordheim". Now Warhammer is pretty nerdy... but then we are all reading and posting on an internet computer forum, so there's really no point calling each other nerds. ;)
Gave it a brief play last night. Very nice looking, bit like a cross between EQ2 and Wow graphics wise. The entire game is instanced, a bit like guild wars. In that respect I'd imagine you'd get the most out of it with a regular group of friends.

The few starter dungeons I played through were quite entertaining, with a dungeon master voice over as you progress. Combat is real time, as are traps - much more jumping, tumbling and climbing than you'd be used to in a mmorpg.

Not sure how much depth it'll have, but does look like fun. Given how much you depend on your party I'd say it'd be a bit of a pain with pickup groups.
Yeah I should have worded it differently, it's "considered nerdy" whereas I don't consider it nerdy... I played EverQuest religiously for 5 years so I have no right to call anyone nerdy :D
You have entered a cheesy dungen, in the distance you see a cheesy spider eating a cheesy sandwich. As you move closer the spider attacks with a cheesy grin, you take 3 cheesy damage. :D
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