Anyone got Panaflo M1's working on a fan controller?

14 Jul 2005
Hi all,

I recently bought two Panaflo M1's and would like to control their speed for 7v during normal pc use and 12v when gaming. I tried putting them on my Vantec Nexus fan controller but it can't supply enough power per channel to power the fans.

Has anyone got them working on a fan controller? If so, which one as i'd like to be able to vary the speed?

Thanks :)
A random name said:
I'm using the DFi Smartguardian program on my PC to controll the fan speed. Works like a charm :)
Is it a Panaflo?

I haven't really considered plugging it into the mobo but i've got used to controlling it manually.
mercyless said:
panaflo fba12g12h that i've got is 5v on a zalman fan controller np,
if you have the 12g12m that should work.
Thanks for your reply.

Yours is more powerful than mine so if that works on a fan controller then i must be doing something wrong. I'll try again and see what happens.
Got four m1a's working on a Vantec Nexus fan controller (5.25 bay version)

Just gave the knobs a quick twiddle... Max setting is still far too noisy for me :p

Sam C
samcat said:
Got four m1a's working on a Vantec Nexus fan controller (5.25 bay version)

Just gave the knobs a quick twiddle... Max setting is still far too noisy for me :p

Sam C
Well i have the same fan controller so i'm obviously doing something wrong. Thanks for the reply, i'll try get it sorted.
I'm running 3 Panaflo's 1 x Meduim & the other 2 are high models from a Zaman ZM-MFC1 fan controller with no problems.
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