Anyone got the JetWay JC113 Chassis?

27 Feb 2003
If so, have you:

a) Upraded the 6cm side fans
b) Unplugged one or both
c) Put up with them whirring away

As you might quess, I'm finding the chassis a bit noisy. Inside it's got the JNC91-330-LF board in (dual core Atom), 2GB DDR and a single 500GB 3.5" SATA drive.

If you've replaced the fans for something better/quieter, any recommendations?

I had the JC202 model. Smaller but has the same 60mm fans.

I just left them off as they were too noisy - only used a VIA EPIA C7 1.5ghz in it though so temps were never an issue.

I'd consider adapting a molex splitter to drop the fans from 12v down to 5v or 7v. That should still provide some airflow while being a good bit quieter. :)

Thanks GT.

I've found a replacement 60mm fan that is meant to be quiet but they are £15 each.

Think I might just unplug one fan and monitor the temps for a bit.
No problem - good thinking on the 1 fan front.

Wow £15 fan - i think 7v them if you find the 1 fan doesn't work well enough or is still too loud.

I tried unplugging one fan but then it wouldn't POST. Couldn't be bothered plugging a monitor into it, so left it till this week.

I ordered two new fans from OC which arrived today and when fitting tonight, found I'd ordered 40mm ones :confused::rolleyes::D Where I got 40mm into my head from I don't know!

Anyway, I've bunged them into the case in place of the OE ones and it's whisper quiet now. Without music on, you can hear the HD now. Much better!
Chris, does the Jetway BIOS have an option to disable the SATA completely (humour me, its for a specific program which WONT run if SATA is enabled on a board)
Don't know - I should be able to look over the weekend if that helps.

Can't remember which board I've got exactly but I think it's the JNC91-330-LF
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