Anyone had any experiences with the 'DriverEasy' program?

28 Oct 2004
Somewhere, in a field in cheshire... alright!
Hello guys,

A friend was telling me that his son had some issues with his laptop recently. It was pretty much unusable at the time but somehow he was directed to download and pay for a program called DriverEasy. It appeared to fix the issues but why would out of date drivers cause his system to become unusable?

I was suspicious when I heard because I know a lot of them programs are worthless. Could the makers of that program somehow have infected his system with something in order to try to get him to spend the £35 it cost?

My friend now has it on his laptop because it came with 3 keys. I said I'd look around to see what the general opinion was. I think I'll suggest he uninstalls it.

Thanks very much.
Googling "DRIVEREASY REVIEW" brings back a lot of info, mostly that it's not a virus, that it's a mixed bag and it's charging stupid money for things you can get for free.
My friend now has it on his laptop because it came with 3 keys. I said I'd look around to see what the general opinion was. I think I'll suggest he uninstalls it.

It's junk, get them to uninstall it. All the big laptop manufacturers have their own driver updating software that is pre-installed or you can download from their websites.
Ive used it a few times and never had anything like that :confused: You can choose what to install.
And I told it to install drivers only, but it still decided to install opera and added a facebook icon to the desktop without my approval (although I nuked that installation from orbit as the laptop I was using it on didn't have any stable windows 10 compatible graphics drivers).
I can vouch for Snappy (SDI). I've used it scores of times and have never had any bloatware installed. As far as I know it only installs drivers which match the hardware IDs of your devices so unless you tell it otherwise it shouldn't install extra bloat.
It turns out that the SDI I used wasn't the one that was recommended here so anyone who does a search for snappy driver installer on google should not use the first link as that is the one that still installs stuff you didn't ask for.
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