anyone have a audigy drive in black?

1 Feb 2006
Rotherhan, UK
Ive just recieved a secondhand Audigy 1 Platinum. it has a white Audigy Drive. does anyone one have one in black or has the black front. as my case is black and it looks outa place. only other option is spraying it

just to clarify...

have one of these.

looking for one of these (or just the cover on front)
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Im sure the lower one was from the Audigy with the external breakout box, the Platinum eX. Im not sure there ever was a black facia done for it, however its possible that the audigy 2 ZS plate will fit and that was deffo available in black coz i had one.
the ZS does fit, also the X-Fi Fatality too, and yes the black model is the eX. but as far as i am aware the faceplates are the same size and with a little modding would fit.


so im looking for either...

Audigy 2 ZS Faceplate or at a stretch, the Audigy eX
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The face plates are available but i've only ever seen them from creative directly. I bought a black faceplate for the drive for my Audigy 2 Platinum from Creative USA. Cost about £15...
Mistake, I actually got mine from Creative Ireland and it appears they have removed it from their site altogether (or I just cant find it...) They must have stopped supplying them or something. Might be worth emailing and see what they say.

Bear in mind it was quite a while ago since I got mine (July 2003...according to the invoice).
I considered spraying mine before i found the cover. But i figured i'd forget the inputs and outputs without the writing lol...

You could always upgrade to an x-fi :p :D

...alternatively, keep searchin on google i guess :)
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