Anyone heard of Powweb?

17 Mar 2004

I am looking to buy a new host, reckon these guys are any good?

It's going to be mainly for hosting audio files, mine and my friends DJ mixes etc, so we need quite a lot of space/bandwidth.

Was looking at Dreamhost but wasn't too sure about their webpanel, i'm used to cPanel.

I don't want to spend over £60 a year really.

They don't appear to use cPanel but they *do* appear to be running a load balanced cluster which is a 'very good thing'. Shame they're US-based but for £60/year, it looks like possibly a better bet than Dreamhost IMO if you need those specs on such a tight budget :).
I've heard great things about them, but I've not used them personally. They're certainly no fly-by-night, though; they've been around for a good few years that I know of and probably longer than that.

If you want to host a website properly but on a budget, go with PowWeb; if you want to just host a few files or some sites that aren't "mission critical", and you don't mind some slow response times occasionally, then go with the $10 Dreamhost coupon.
You can get a similar deal with 400gb transfer at, I have used them in the past and have no complaints.
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