Anyone heard this girl on Youtube?

5 Aug 2003
Not sure where to put this but was pretty impressed with her singing abilities!


The Mariah Carey and Ne yo ones are pretty good.

What you think? reckon she'd get a record contract?
Fraid' not shes good. but theres plenty other people out there who are just as good. its a hard industry to tackle.
ordinary people - sung by an average girl. shea doesnt have anything special and my GOD that hum in the background is annoying lol

she also sings that carey song too flat and off-key.
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Quite difficult to sound good on such low quality recording gear, it seriously won't flatter your voice. Pretty good I reckon, but as one of the comments said, it's a style sung by many young people and it doesn't really stand out because of it.
I think she sounds really good to be honest.

I'm by no means an expert when it comes to what "sounding good" is to get in the industry, but if a voice like that came on the radio I'd be able to listen to it easily, which is more than I can say for a lot of other artists out there right now
Definetely got talent, not really a patch on Mariah Carey though. As aforementioned though, it's something 10000 other people can do just as well, she has a fair chance of being signed I reckon if she continues to get recognition on t'internet though - well, more than all the other hopefuls around. :)
Nothing special about it at all TBH, nothing there that makes her stand out from anyother amateur singer. Too much warbling and forcing of the notes for my liking. The truely great singers make it look effortless, like the words just have to leave their mouth.
AJUK said:
I'd hit her top note!


EDIT: ..and she could make better use of that web cam. :p

LAL :o

She is quiet good actually, just watched the Maria one, bit of variation compared to the origional, it works, good voice too :)
She clearly has a voice and she's clearly young and needs a little coaching - strangely enough to sing simpler, without vocal jewelery - she does a lot of beyoncesque diaphragm walking across the range every time she finishes phrase, which is good if you want to be casted to Idol via 10 second chorus, but not so good when you perform 90 minutes in a row - sometimes phrase just needs to be finished with huge note and maybe a bit of Whitneyish vibrato rather than Beyonce like "horse neighing".

But anyone who says she's average and nothing special simply don't know what they're talking about. She's a league above just about any X-Factor contestant and you'd be pressed hard to find such "miss average" in any of the British schools. I hate the music type she sings and was never a fan of start-stop heart arythmia/shaky diaphragm soulish singing but anyone who can sing like that, in one take, without editing, sitting on her bed with feet up deserves all credit and instant attention of proper industry specialists.
I'm not overly impressed. Maybe it's because that type of music is awful for forcing notes and trying to use silly trills etc but it sounds exactly the same as the girls I went to school with singing along to the radio - just another average person.
EDIT: I have spent a lot of time with very talented musicians, especially singers between choirs run by my singing teacher and different music camps. None of sang like that.
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