Anyone help me with a little vr project?

25 May 2011
I own these glasses

If you haven't seen them before

The headset strap and how these have been made is a nightmare for comfort and immersion it constantly wobbles when you move your head.. Great lenses though and better than rift and vive imo

I'm looking to buy a not to expensive vr mobile headset that would fit my Samsung s8+ mobile and basically remove then lenses and fit the wearality lenses inside.

Can anyone recommend any headsets? With large-ish face area to fit these larger than lenses in?

I plan to use riftcat to stream steamvr to my mobile and I plan to setup ps move controllers with tracking - I all ready know how to do this :)

I think I can better the vive and rift regards picture quality but best of all there wont be cables

Any help is appreciated :)
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