Anyone help me.......

19 Oct 2002
Anyone help me, i like to play squad/other games on my tv, and i use my av speaker system for surround sound, and i just put a headset around my neck, just so i can use the mic for squad chat, but i would like just the chat from others to come from the headset, and still the game surround from my av speakers, at the moment both the in game chat and game sounds come from the av speakers, want it like party chat is on the xbox, have tried all settings and nothing, any ideals, or any other that gets this to work, thx
The only way I know you can do this is if you use something like Teamspeak for the chat (Ie it's not the in game chat) and you have a separate soundcard.

If so you configured Windows to use the soundcard and your games will then pipe their audio to that. You then set Teamspeak to specifically use your computers onboard audio device instead of your soundcard. That way it pipes it's audio through one device, and your game through the other.
The only way I know you can do this is if you use something like Teamspeak for the chat (Ie it's not the in game chat) and you have a separate soundcard.

If so you configured Windows to use the soundcard and your games will then pipe their audio to that. You then set Teamspeak to specifically use your computers onboard audio device instead of your soundcard. That way it pipes it's audio through one device, and your game through the other.
Thx for reply, yes i had thought of that, i only have a onboard soundcard thou, also squad and Arma 3 my main chat games use there own built in chat software, so i cant do what you suggest im afraid, i guess its the actual game developers that could maybe fix it, cheers
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