Anyone here a 'juicer' (obliterating fruit/veg into a drink)?

6 Sep 2005
Hi guys

Unfortunaltey I'm quite a fussy eater and consequently can't eat lots of raw fruit and veg, I don't know what it is but the texture of makes me feel very sick which isn't good for my wellbeing...five a day is a distant hope much of the time.

I was watching 'Fat sick and nearly dead' t'other day and it seemed to be a really good way of getting my quota of fruit and veg.

I'm trying to find information about the juicing machines, recipies and potential health benefits but unfortunately Google is just bringing up affiliate site after affiliate site so I don't feel I'm reading informed or unbiased information.

Does anyone have any experience or knowledge with juicers?
If so what do you think of them? How are the recipies? Do they work well?

Thanks. :)
Ah ha!

That's an unbelievably unhelpful post (what did I expect from GD) BUT...I've seen your sig before and found it rather inspiring and promptly forgot the quote.

So thanks for the reply. :D
Ah brilliant, thanks for moving it, sorry I should have thought (never come in here!).

To answer your question...mostly unfortunately, it's very embarrassing and restrictive..

Potatoes peas and carrots I'm fine with but anything else I'm really not a fan of. I am OK with most veg in soups and casseroles so I'm not completely starved of nutrients, but I am aware that some of the goodness is lost even with steaming so I do want to get the most I can from them.

Unfortunatey I don't think recipies would work for me, if the fruit/veg has been really heated so it's very soft and loses it's texture then I'm OK with it but I just can't eat it otherwise.

It's very strange, some of the stuff the missus produces with fresh strawberries etc., gets my mouth watering but I just couldn't stand the crunch of it.

Enough of my mad mind though...on to the juicing!
Ah yes, you bring up a good point.

One thing I have seen (and that film talked about) was juice fasts, I'm not interested in doing that or anything gimmicky.

I'm not going to replace what I'm eating now...this is in addition to my normal diet (well I'll be cutting down on the goodies etc, due to the sugar in the fruit), as it has to be a lifestyle change, so I will be getting fibre etc., from other sources as I do day to day.
Thanks for the replies guys.

So how does it taste? I'm sure I'll be fine with the fruit one, but what are the veg ones like? Is it a case of holding your nose and taking big glugs for the greater good or are they tasty?

I note DB SamX says they are an acquired taste!
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