Anyone here actively blog?

23 Mar 2011
I'm not a great writer, but I often wonder if I would benefit from just writing a blog based around gaming as I finish a game write a bit about it etc. Maybe some impressions or perhaps a personal review. I have a good group of gamer mates but I always feel I could keep talking about a game for much longer than a few comments back and forth on facebook

Anyone here got one? Never really looked much in to it but could become a small hobby

Any advice and tips welcome. Like how do you get readers :D
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Thanks for the comments, not to sure if I will go for it or. It but I guess there's no harm in doing it just to see if I hit some sort of flow. I guess then finding the time to write becomes an issue too :D
I've revived my blog as a One-A-Day and plan on working through my Steam backlog this year instead of just playing the same game over and over!

Whilst I'm guessing almost no one reads it I find at least writing allows me to create something and gives me something to do after work so I don't just sit refreshing the forums!

This isn't pretty much what I want to do, play a game at a time maybe write a little bit about it as I go and maybe others may read about an older game that's no longer in the spot light perhaps.

Probably not a post a day but maybe as I progress through a game. So finish a chapter and write about it etc

Not too sure, I guess the hard part is choosing my first game, or maybe doing something light like a short game of the year list etc though I imagine that's quite common

I will check yours out!

I do agree that YouTube and twitch probably has made blogs a bit old fashioned but I don't know if I have the guts to get anything across over video :D
I think for me at the start it would be about just having a platform to talk about a game or something I enjoy. Even if it doesn't get read I imagine just writing about it will help drive you to enjoy the game/writing even more. Not sure as it's my first foray in to such a thing!

I imagine Wordpress is the way to go?

Are we allowed to use screenshots from games taken by ourselves? I assume so!
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