Anyone here bought a Google photo book before?

8 Sep 2005
Norrbotten, Sweden.
Google keeps pestering me to buy a book made with photos from my account.

One of my cats had to ge put down recently and i thought, hmm it might be nice to get a little keepsake of her from the ten years of photos I have of her.

Are these books any good, good size?
I have various photo albums from over the years and almost exclusively look at photos on my phone or PC.

Nice idea though if you think you will use it. The hardcover is 23cm square and the soft cover is 18cm square.
The google photo books are pretty restrictive in terms of layouts and the editor is surprisingly basic. The one major plus point is your photos are already there, no need to re-upload to a 3rd party. The quality is reasonable but they tend to be expensive.

There are better options out there, Photobox is pretty easy to use and very customisable in terms of layouts, paper weight, finishe etc. but you have to manually upload your photos and pay a fee to take their branding off the back page.

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