Anyone here develop to FOSS? I need some advice.

23 Dec 2010
Hey guys,

I've had this thread in my head for quite some time now, I've finished some work and I thought now would be the perfect time to post it.

I am currently in my first year at University, studying Computer Science.

Before I came to University I heard a bit about FOSS, but never really bothered much on reading up on it. I may of dabbled in a bit of Ubuntu now and then but nothing was ever concrete - I thought it was Microsoft's market and I should adhere to that.

However since coming to University I've had my eyes opened up a bit on how community-based software development (whether FOSS or not) is a very good thing. I could be wrong as I've never participated in any community projects (my programming skills would probably be worthless at this point in time).

My plan is to go on and do teaching at secondary/college level, but I might do some FOSS work on the side.

I was wondering whether if any of you can answer any of my questions, I'm going to bulletpoint them for quick reading.

  • Any regrets in contributing in FOSS?
  • How much stress is involved?
  • Is it enjoyable?
  • Any horror stories you'd like to share?
  • Any tips on how to get into FOSS development?
  • Is Java a practical language to use, or do I need to broaden my knowledge
I think that's enough, any replies would be awesome!


I concur, start using FOSS software and if it breaks, or doesn't do something you would like it to do, then find out how to fix it and submit it to the relevant maintainers.

- Any regrets in contributing in FOSS? - None
- How much stress is involved? - As much or as little as you want, you decide your participation level.
- Is it enjoyable? - Depends on the person, if you don't enjoy it, don't do it; there is no obligation.
- Any horror stories you'd like to share? - There are flame wars all over the internet to indulge yourself in, but these are more oftne than not personallity clashes.
- Any tips on how to get into FOSS development? - See above.
- Is Java a practical language to use, or do I need to broaden my knowledge - If the software you want to work on is written in Java then yes. Otherwise C/C++ are the most widely used languages.
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