Anyone here do extreme cooling?

7 Jan 2009
All this time spent at home has given me the itch to get back into benchmarking, which is all well and good using watercooling. But there's always something in the back of my head that wants to go back to 2010 when I was using dry ice and LN2. Was just wondering if anyone around here does extreme cooling on a semi-regular or regular basis?

If so, looking for a cheap dry ice supplier. Best online I can find is like £45 for 10Kg. Back in the day I was paying £12 for 10Kg!!!
Whilst I haven't seen anyone here do LN2 or Dry Ice you could also consider Phase Change cooling as an in-between step bridging the gap between water and dry ice. I remember (probably closer to 2010) seeing people here with compressors; maybe I misremember though!
Yeah, looks like phase units are as rare as hens teeth though. Seem to have gone out of style and the builders aren't making them any more.

Ah well, I've moved house now so have a crap tone of DIY to do, along with being back at work. Extreme cooling will have to be... wait for it... put on ice, for a bit!
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