Anyone here ever had a problem with household mites?

27 Jul 2005
The Orion Spur
My flat is being overrun by what I think may be dust mites, they are white microscopic little specs that seem to love electronics and hard surfaces, they are not easy to spot initially.

I keep a tidy flat, hover, clean once a week etc but there numbers seem to be increasing, wiped down all surfaces and consoles electronics etc in my lounge with bleach based spray, but they keep coming back, for example if look at my PS3 and you'll see tiny whites specks the size of a pin head moving about.

My flat in at the bottom rear of a property on concrete flooring, so it's quite dark and dingy, I've been here since last November, never had this problem in my previous place, been looking around on the net and no one seems to have a concise answer, really starting to bother me now, I'm temped to move but that does require a lot of effort and cost.

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They could be mould mites. Does any part of your house suffer from damp or condensation?

Not as far as I'm aware, it's a dark 'dingy' flat that doesn't get any sunlight but seems to be dry, no mould about or condensation, but from further study online they do seem to conform with mould mites.

I think they like humidity. Get something to dehumidify the place.

I'm thinking the same, going to have a bash with the hair dryer and wiping surfaces down with neat bleach for a few days before I spend a £100 or so on a dehumidifier, also thinking about picking up a steam cleaner.
After 8 years they actually came back this year so it's funny this should be bumped lol!

Last time I got rid of them them using a combination of Acclaim Spray and a dehumidifier, that helped a lot as they don't like dry air, so I'm in the process of doing the same again!
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