got a waterblock that had a badly tapped hole, its got some slight damage to it in places (looks worn down) and i need to get a barb into it (don't care if it never come out again)
the one that was in there was stuck half way so i removed it with a vice, anyone here willing to have a go at fixing it for me?
i'll pay postage both ways of course and happy to send a fiver along with it for fixing it
sorry for bad pictures, my sony's flat and dunno how to use my mum's canon properly
got a waterblock that had a badly tapped hole, its got some slight damage to it in places (looks worn down) and i need to get a barb into it (don't care if it never come out again)
the one that was in there was stuck half way so i removed it with a vice, anyone here willing to have a go at fixing it for me?
i'll pay postage both ways of course and happy to send a fiver along with it for fixing it
sorry for bad pictures, my sony's flat and dunno how to use my mum's canon properly