That cheap???? FLIPPIN' HECK!
Well, getting one sooner than expected then! Haha.
I had a few niggles, but W.M.Snells sorted me out instantly any time I did. Nothing ground breaking. My fuel sensor went just before I sold it. Never did change it :s
White? Pshhhh. red is the only option.
You won't regret it.
Things to look out for, the coil/spring state for the butterfly valve on the exhaust before the end cans, after the main box. Google it, it often seized. I drilled mine out as it kept sticking. Pain in the arse.
When going for a test ride, chuck the bike side to side, get the petrol slushing around, see if it confuses the fuel sensor. If you see the sensor drop to very low, ride normally, it might come back up. If it doesn't, could be an issue. It will supply a warning as well as error lights if it's indeed gone. You'll know haha.
Obviously all the usuals, chain, suspension leak (I had one, front Ohlins, my 1098S did the same, not the bikes fault. ****** Ohlins), ummm... Not sure what else to be honest.
This is the MRA screen I could NOT live without.
Oh, grips, check the wear. I had to replace mine. As usual, pain in the backside, and don't be scared off by people warning that you shouldn't do it due to heated grips. The only way you will bugger the grips up is if you go at them with a bloody screwdriver. Patience is key.
All the aluminium bolts do go 'furry', so expect that on a model that old and that high on miles.
I coated mine in ACF 50 every 1k miles. God send stuff.