anyone here ride motocross or trails?

22 Nov 2010
Hey guys,

I've recently bought another MX bike (06 KX 125) and now selling it as I have always had kawi MX bikes, i rode a friends YZ 125 and loved it! It just seemed lighter and more fun to ride, so I'm replacing the kawi with a yamaha :D

Anyway, I'm based in Northamptonshire and looking to start riding some practice tracks and wood riding again, so was wondering if anyone near me dose the same thing? It won't be until next year when I'm ready as I'll get the YZ strip it and replace all bearings and give it a engine rebuild for the new year.

So yeh who's up for it? But also what do you ride! :D
I'm not local, but have a TM125 2T. Cracking little bike but challenging to ride fast compared to a 4T. Very light with good quality components including Ohlins susension, but tempted to replace it with a 4T 250 next year (would go for a 350 but I share the bike with my 16 year old son)

IMG_5003 by sagalout, on Flickr
hmm not really heard of TM before, i only know of the big four jap and a few European manufactures.

i really like the yamaha YZ 125 tho, just sitting on it felt better than my kawi, im looking for a 2005 or newer model as thats the last time they made changes to the engine and added a aluminum frame instead of steel :)

may i ask what tracks you go to? also i have never done wood/trail riding before but want to try it, where would you suggest to go? thanks :)
I've only been to Uncle Eddies near Doncaster and one near Micklefield. Uncle Eddies is excellent, with good facilities, an mx and enduro tracks and very friendly. Micklefield is good too, but much harder course and not so good on the facilties.

TM is an Italian brand. High end and expensive new. Our 125 was about £6500 new! They are cheap 2nd hand though as parts harder to get, although I haven't had a problem
i have the chavs like to ride stolen mx bikes there so the police are all over the place, plus i dont really want to be letting the chavs know i have a nice MX bike.

yeh im gonna stick with the yamaha i think, easy to get parts for etc
i know there is a track right next to the A14 at the end before the M6 and M1, i also know about washbrooke farm next to the M1.

some wood trails would be nice, somewhere where im not forced to do jumps etc
I've had bikes since I was 5 and road so many different ones. my opinion is Yamaha YZ looks and feel brilliant, Kawasaki KX never really trusted them always seemed to break when I had one, Suzuki RM same as Kawasaki really, Honda CR (my favourite) indestructible and will just keep going and going, KTM expensive just never got away with them always felt like you had to thrash it. I once rode a TM and I felt just .... Hard but to be fair never owned one to set up and try and get used to.

if I was buying again id have a CRF 250, happy to go slow but quick enough when you want it. I've mostly had the CRF 450 but after a full days riding they get heavy if you keep coming off, bearing in mind my main riding was green lanes and endurance haha
haha, i never had a problem with my old KX or KXF's all performed flawless.

but i agree the YZ are amazing, i would go with a honda 4T, not their 2T's tho, always seemed under powered compared the the other jap bikes, but honda have had a lot more experience with 4T i think, but there CRF's are amazing.

i would get another 250F, but i love 2T too much lol

my first ever bike was a 1992 KX60 lol then had a 1991 KX100 the progressed from there
yeah that's funny, my cousin swears by them its the only ones he will buy now but me I tend to keep away from them!!

YZ seem made better ride better just feel better all round

I think for me I have more fun now on a CRF250 due to the fact I'm a big lad and can throw them about and give them a big thrashing when required but on the other hand love riding the 450s for the pure power they produce instant grunt so much fun for the back wheel

ha Snap KX60 KX100 CR125 if you get a bike licence try some green lanes brilliant days out and you see some amazing places only thing is id try and do it sooner rather than later as more and more are disappearing and more and more police are getting involved as people ride them illegally
The YZ had SS suspension in 06 and is worth it over the 05 models, hasn't really been updated since though.

If going newer, then KTM 125/150's are great.
hmm 06 yz 125 it is then, i fancy playing with the suspension, jusr had a read up on them.

i loved my old 2009 KX250F all it wanted to do was lift up the front wheel, it did have pro circuit cams in tho and a full pro circuit exhaust.

im getting my full licence next year, fancy a old yamaha WR250 2T :D hard to get now tho
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