Anyone Here Use Open Office ?

I have the installer on my iPod but I rarely use it. I did use it for a while but the spreadsheet program just got on my nerves after a while. I think the rest of OpenOffice is quite good compared to its Microsoft Office equivalent but the spreadsheet program just made me mad.

I normally use it to convert something to PDF since OpenOffice has a good feature to convert any document open into a PDF. It isn't as advanced as Adobe Acrobat paid for version but its more than good enough for basic PDF making.

I'm not a fan of letting programs install start up tasks and OpenOffice has some Startup task that allows OpenOffice programs to load faster. This is probably why OpenOffice doesn't open up very quickly on my PC.

If you want a free and opensource alternative to MS Office then this is definitely a good choice. I only really downloaded it in the first place because someone at uni told me that I'd have a project in the future set by some Linux loving lecturer (amazing alliteration for before 10am!) who doesn't use Windows at all so we have to use OpenOffice to write our project write-up.
OpenOffice is great. I use it everyday in a professional environment for lettres, invoicing, financial spreadsheets etc. It works brilliantly for general office use.

However, if you are a heavy or advanced user with lots of macros etc. or share complicated spreadsheets etc. with others then MS Office is still the daddy. That said I have never come across a single thing that OOo can't do that MS Office can.
i tried it but really didn't like it, i found office a lot easier to use (maybe as i've been using it for years) and also more powerful. but i suppose if you don't want to fork out for office then it is an ok program.

I use it, but i generally only do basic things. I've found it does everything ms office does, but i'm not a hugely advanced user.

However I still bought ms office because the referencing software we use at university doesn't seem to work with open office and it was easier to fork out than do the references manually.
I have the USB Lite build on my USB HDD, this way can take it anywhere with me and no install is clogging my PC down.
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