Anyone interested in PowerShell basics?

25 Mar 2004
Would anyone be interested if I was to write a few posts in a thread on this forum detailing some PowerShell basics? I have done quite a lot with it, and know it pretty well, so i'm sure I could impart some of my knowledge to fellow members pretty easily, at least enough to get the basics understood :)

Post back if you're interested, if I get no feedback I probably won't bother!
Absolutely... I know the cmdlets I need to use for doing SharePoint stuff but as for syntax, handy shortcuts etc I don't know an awful lot. Go for it!
I could use with knowing it a little better. I've cobbled together some half-****** stuff at work, since it's convenient having an 'already on the OS' method of invoking web services (the area I'm using it to test with).

Before I go showing anyone else how to do it though, would be good to have a better understanding of what I'm doing vs. what I should be doing.

Sub'd your other thread, thanks.
I will be updating my other thread with some more in depth stuff, either later on tonight, or perhaps tomorrow evening. The stuff I put in so far is simple and a bit Zzz, but if I skip over the things I consider "obvious" then people don't have the groundwork needed to teach themselves, or use the tools properly.

I will do my best by you guys, and feel free to ask any questions or leave any comments etc :)
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