Anyone into Amateur Radio/got a scanner?

Man of Honour
4 Nov 2002
West Berkshire
may i ask - what should i be listening for if i were to tune in (scanned the links but no luck)

(im not into a/r btw lol - but i know somebody that is :))
m3csl2004 said:
may i ask - what should i be listening for if i were to tune in (scanned the links but no luck)

(im not into a/r btw lol - but i know somebody that is :))

Before i go up in the loft and dig my scanner out could you tell me to :)
I'm imagining it'll be temperature readings and the like from that link above, suit is transmitting readings as it's floating.
my brother had a scanner a while ago

picked up the shuttle as it went over!. well, something to do with nasa and mission control.
All I've got is a very weak carrier, but I suspect that's down to local QRM

Looking at the various websites, I think the batteries have probably died by now.

Nice Yagi Feek.
Unfortnately my xyl is antennaphobic so I have to make do with a discone in the loft and hidden longwires :(

73 de M1ATZ

I guess you are correct - monitored for a while - not a peep - batteries almost certainly well below the 12v minimum. Wonder if
they'll try again ? Have bookmarked the two websites. G7IMD
Sorry guys, a spammer bumped this old thread.

Batteries died after less than three orbits, which was disappointing (they thought it could last anything from a few orbits to a few weeks), but it was picked up in Japan and parts of Europe while it worked. It's probably burned up in the atmosphere by now.
Anyone mind just telling me what you were looking for without me having to read through those pages please?
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