Anyone joined EE and tried to claim the £300 leaving fees?

18 Oct 2002
I still have 6 months left on my Virgin contract which is about £80 a month for BB/TV/Phone but i'd like to leave earlier if possible. I'd like to know what experience other people have had leaving Virgin early and trying to claim the money back from their new ISP. One thing i'd like to know is do EE cover your leaving fees for your entire contract or only the broadband part of it?

From what i hear you do not get the money back from the new provider they will just credit you on your account with them. I believe it is just on the Broadband part as well.

I seen to recall one of my colleagues trying to do it but then it left them with £300 on the new account but still had to pay the rest to close their current account with VM which was pretty steep.
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