Anyone keep a personal online blog?

22 Sep 2008
Does anybody keep an online blog?

It feels like a hark back 20 years or so to the days of Myspace, and very likely quite old fashioned now, but I've just started my own blog.

I am currently going through some significant life changes at the moment that have been proving significantly challenging and so I thought about writing a diary in order to keep track of my thoughts so that I could look back on them some day and see that my life was getting better. Instead I've decided to write a blog. I have no intention of publicising it to my friends or family, its more for my own piece of mind than anything else, but I'm finding it such a cathartic experience to log my thoughts and feelings all in a nice neat place.

It actually feels life affirming for me and I love writing in it, it keeps my mind occupied and each post feels like a good achievement, particularly if I am pleased with my writing style that particular day.
Don’t really see the point unless you want input from others. If all you care about is the experience of writing your thoughts down. Why not use pen and paper? Or just some offline word document?

If you’re posting it online it must be because you want feedback from others.
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I don't want feedback from others, its just a nice format for updating and I can read it online from my phone in a nice format wherever I want it. Its horses for courses really, me personally, I am not going to publicise it, its just an exercise for myself. It does what I want it to.
I've got a spot on the internet where I document major stuff every few months, had it for 10 years now. I still look back on it now and then to reflect how far I've come and how fat and bald I've gotten. Definitely a good thing to have, fair play to you for doing it.
I don’t really see the point of maintaining a blog page, when all the arguments about it being ‘online’ could be answered with a google docs document. It seems more hassle for no gain, unless of course you want feedback from others, which you say you don’t. In which case I don’t get it tbh.

Maybe it’s just me :)
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I've got a spot on the internet where I document major stuff every few months, had it for 10 years now. I still look back on it now and then to reflect how far I've come and how fat and bald I've gotten. Definitely a good thing to have, fair play to you for doing it.

Amen. This is exactly why I'm doing it. Some posts can be a bit of a diary, a journal of the previous few days events. Then others can just be a couple of paragraphs on a particular subject. I like to toss ideas around, debate problems in writing with myself. I find it such a wholesome experience.
I've run a political local site for some political activists as a way to update them on activities. It had a few hundred views per month.

Back in the day there used to be web rings were you can link to like minded individuals.
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I remember Myspace! Never used it though, neither did I use Blogger, Bebo or Twitter (before Twitter went all about left-right politics).

A friend of mine went to Japan for a few week earlier this year and kept a blog using Wordpress. It lets you upload the full resolution photos as well, in contrary to Twitter/Facebook. So I would recommend Wordpress if the OP / anyone here was thinking about blogging. It's probably a good way in keeping away from politics too as it will be away from the usual Twitter etc crowd.
I ran a tech blog for a while, won a couple of awards too, I put so much effort into it, it took up so much time.. Eventually I stopped updating it in 2018, and now I get people stalking me on Linkedin asking me questions about things, but it was so long ago I can't remember and so can't help them..

I also ran a photography one for a while, put tons of effort into it - but it just fell out of date, got neglected and I eventually killed the host for it.
The trouble with the personal blog is that it's so hard to get people to read it. I've gone down some rabbit holes creating personal blogs that literally got less than 100 page views per month after 12-18 months effort.
The trouble with the personal blog is that it's so hard to get people to read it. I've gone down some rabbit holes creating personal blogs that literally got less than 100 page views per month after 12-18 months effort.
I suppose it depends on whether you're doing it to put your thoughts on a page for yourself or for others.

To OP's question, yes I do and I do it for the first of the above two options.
Having just listened to Matthew McConaughey's book Greenlights on Audible I can understand how cathartic writing your memoirs would be.

Not that I would do it; I don't have the time and wouldn't want anyone else to read what I got up to or was thinking a few decades ago!
I've got a small, growing technology blog. I don't make any money from it but I like solving problems and writing the solutions (more for myself really so I don't forget).
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