Anyone know a good podcast creating app?

15 Nov 2008
The other day I came across a page which had information about an application for creating podcasts, it had voice effects built into it too i think. However I cant remember what it was called and I forgot to bookmark the page! Does anyone know of an app that can do this, or any podcast creating apps? Or can I convert any audio file into a podcast? What is the format for a podcast? hope you can help
It's probably not what you were originally looking for but I saw a blog the other day which explained how the guy used GarageBand to do his podcasts. Got quite impressive results in the end.
Could you use Logic 8 for podcasts? I'm getting used to all the new bits after 5.51, and don't really want to install more software than I need...
When I started out I used Garageband, with a simple analogue mixer (Behringer) but recently switched over to Logic Express with a firewire mixer just for a bit more control over things and better audio. Either app will be able to do what you want in terms of making the audio file itself, but you might want help after that for publishing. I use Drupal's audio plugin for this along with but everyone seems to have their own preferred method.

I should note that I do a little post-production on the audio on (whisper) a PC using Adobe Audition, mainly for volume compression and final encoding to MP3.

Oh yes, and if you record interviews and the like with a single microphone, check out for a great way to balance out audio levels. It's rubbish with music but very good with voice.

My podcast is "The Roy Harper podcast" but I don't know whether I'm allowed to link to it :)

ahh cool, I will have a look for that. I think I will go ahead and make the whole thing in Logic, I thought there was more to a podcast than just an MP3, that's cool. I'm basically making a spoof local radio station podcast with a comical twist. Do you upload yours to Itunes pduk?
I thought there was more to a podcast than just an MP3, that's cool.
Apple try to push AAC as the audio format. The advantage to this is that you can insert still pictures into the podcast that will pop up on iTunes or your iPod at the appropriate times. The Stephen Fry podcast uses this. However, when I was choosing formats, I decided to adopt MP3 as my standard since everyone can play those and I didn't want to have to make two versions, one for Apple people and one for everybody else.
Do you upload yours to Itunes pduk?
Yes, you can find me in the iTunes store. It was very easy to register. It's processed by a human as far as I can see, and it took a couple of days for them to check it out. They make sure that the feed link you provide works properly and that the content isn't unacceptable. Do note, though, that they don't actually host the podcast. Rather, they link to your server.

I have my own hosting provider, but a lot of podcasters use as a cheap and cheerful host. Might be worth looking at if you need somewhere to put the audio files.
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