Anyone know a wifi box that can connect to one SSID and present another?

21 Oct 2002
At home of course :p
Hi all,

I'm looking for a wifi box that is able to bridge one 5ghz SSID to another new 2.4ghz SSID. Basically i already have a Wifi box which presents two SSID's. One is 2.4Ghz, the other is 5ghz.

I have some external devices with weak signal (CCTV and ring doorbell), so I want to present a new SSID to them. I'm hoping to find a wifi box which I can join to my 5ghz SSID, and have it present a new third 2.4ghz SSD which i'll join the external devices to.

Effectively this means i'll have my main wifi box present a strong 2.4 and 5ghz signal inside my house, and i'll have a second wifi box near my external wall on a different channel presenting a dedicated 2.4ghz ssid for my outside devices.

Anyone know if this is possible? I *think* an ASUS wifi router will do it as I think I remember seeing an option, but I can't remember for sure.
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