anyone know Access VBA?

24 Dec 2002
Chelmsford, Essex. Bling Bling
Ive got a few checkboxes on an Access form and i want to loop through them checking to see if theyre ticked or not, im doing this at the moment....

    Dim chkObj as Checkbox
    For Each chkObj In Me.Controls
        If chkObj = False Then
            Select Case chkObj.Name
            End Select
        End If

Now it goes into the for..each loop once then when it hits the Next i get a type mismatch error. Any ideas?
I don't know VB but I would guess that you have more than just check boxes in the collection Me.Controls. perhaps you need to check it's type first? Also I would have thought that your for each loop needs some sort of end marker?

For Each chkObj In Me.Controls
If chkObj.ControlType = acCheckBox Then
If chkObj = False

Its nested If's but it will work.
thanks for that peeps, ill give it a bash tomorrow. I didnt think i had to check for the object type since id already defined it as a checkbox, so i was hoping it would essentially be "for each checkbox on the form do this"

Anyway, ta for the help, fingers crossed thatll work.
Ah yeah i think my original post is wrong.

Dim ctl As Control
For Each ctl In Me.Controls
If ctl.ControlType = acCheckBox Then
If ctl = False Then
Select Case ctl.Name

End Select
End If
End If
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