Anyone know any CSS console 'cheats' for recording purposes

22 Sep 2005
BEFORE YOU ALL JUMP DOWN MY THROAT !!!!!!!!!!I DO NOT WANT TO CHEAT IN GAME !!!!! to. this is for recording purposesONLY

so yea, basicaly i want to make a few videos form CSS using the record demo + using fraps to record that.

i know of 'mat_wireframe 1'
which gives a really cool looking wire frame view, but you can still see the map textures etc.

so im looking for mor commands to make funky effects for the purpose of recording ONLY

Also, how can i get it so that i can spectate in a recoreded demo, for 3rd person, fly around type shots and multi angles ?
Cheers phunky, ill giev em a go... im not sure if youve taken me thwe wrong way though. i ONLY want these codes for use in CSS montages and stufgf. ive figuresd its easier and less of a hog to record demos han using fraps and i ahve the added bonus of being able to do cool effects like merging from wire frames etc during my montage.
so ''There just a few, there are loads more but im not going to list them'' ... may as well... if im gonna cheat in a game it will be grand theft auto on my dusty old Playstation lol

the type of thing i mean is liek if youve aver seen the 'lunatic project' video... pure awsome editing, usin wireframe effects etc

yeap, those are what iw as lookign for... these are gonna look sweet !
been testing em on a demo file
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anyone know how to get rid of the chat messages etc too ?
i dont really want the coarse language etc in my videos, and other random conversatuions that may be going on lol
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