Anyone know anything about cameras?

7 Nov 2002
Snorbans, UK

I've managed to get hold of a pair of JVC TK-1280E Video Cameras:


Now, how much would these be worth? And what do all the connections on the back do?:


I'm assuming the bottom set of screw connector things are for power, and the one with a plug already in it is for the Zoom/focus/whatever is on the front of it. Oh, and 'Video out' is clearly for the output of video..

Any ideas?

Thanks :)
The "Y/C out" looks likes an s-video socket (would connect to many TV's and VHS/DVD recorders)
The "Video out and Sync In" looks like BNC connections (more of a pro connection)
The attached cable should just be like an controler for zoom and stuff (cant tell what is on the other end of that cable though, looks like DVI or something)
And the power plug at the bottom
Just basic inputs and outputs for a camera really (not sure what sync in would do though)

They would make a couple of very nice CCTV cameras, but not sure how many takers you would get. Not a clue on their value, but they are fairly old! :(

EDIT - Just had a look on ebay there seem to be loads of the 1380E for sale, Link
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