Anyone know anything about inflatable boats?

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26 Aug 2023
Bought one on a whim because I remember hearing there's good money in bringing people over the channel.

I've never owned a boat, this one had air in, came with 2 paddles and a pump. Its got a bit of hard material near the wheels to attach an engine.

Now, do to the wheels come off? It takes up much more space than I thought it would.

If the weather's good tomorrow I'm going to try and fold it better because it takes up so much space in the boot even with the seats down.

Also if I get an outboard what sort of range would I get? Could I go from say holyhead to Ireland? Or would I have to stop off at the island of Mann?
Done some googling it looks like a zodiac type thing.

Think there was 3 valves 1 in each pontoon and 1 near thr front.

It had a removable inflatable floor to.
All I want to know, should the wheels come off so it folds flatter.

Can you use this type of boat to go from the mainland to the islands, Isle of man, jura where ever bugirac was set etc
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You should know if the wheels have come off when big blokes in kepi's and stab vests storm your beach.

Do you mean Bergerac, that was Jersey. Or Budgie rack, budgies are not required for people smuggling just budgies, a wet suit would be more comfortable. A rack however...
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I was going to go with 'the wheels are coming off this increasingly obvious troll account'
I hear the Illegal Immigration thread has a lot of views and stories on the use of rubber dinghies.
What they are able to achieve leaves some users absolutely frothing....
I know things about inflatable boats. Unfortunately I’m under an NDA with a group of multi millionaires known only as the “Rwandans”
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