Anyone know of Rifle ranges in/around east midlands area?

19 Nov 2020
Hi All,

I've been trying to get back into rifle target shooting for a couple of years. The only commercial range I've been able to locate is at Silverstone, some 45 minutes drive away but they're only open weekdays & every other Saturday, with the Saturdays being full till late September just to even go and take a look.

with week days being a no-go due to work, I was wondering if anyone knew of any ranges that i might've overlooked due to limited online presence.

Bit of a thread revival I know, but ive just taken up target range shooting,
There is OnTarget which is based in the outskirts of Northampton at Brackmills,
Been a few times now, just waiting to sort out a decent .177 rifle now :)

I went down to OnTarget as part of a work event a few years back, unless i'm mistaken i believe they're exclusively air rifle, while i'm looking for a bit more kick. I'm actually heading to the silverstone range i mentioned in the original post this saturday, managed to get squeezed in. I'm hoping that the difficulty in availability is primarily around non-member visits due to the supervision/safety briefings they'll need to have, which will become much easier as a licensed member down the road, something to ask them about while there.
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