Anyone know what this plant (weed?) is?

19 May 2005

Have spent the last few days digging these up from my garden. I wasn't too worried about them until they started growing up the side of the house through the broken pointing.

I poured some Jeyes fluid on them (only on the ones at the side of house as I dont want to affect any other plants) and it seemed to kill them off. But now new ones have started poking through the pointing, so i have ripped them out by the roots and scraped out the soil and put more jeyes fluid down and then re-pointed it.

Would just like to know what they are so I can deal with the ones that are amongst other plants and shrubs, as I dont want to kill all the plant life.

Problem is they are growing around and directly up to some large Rhododendrons, which I don't want to harm. One was directly next to it, which made removing the root impossible, as it was tangled in with the Rhododendrons roots.

I don't think its blackbery as we have a few of them that are also a nightmare to get rid of.
Hmm, i'll one to see if it does fruit. I have always ripped them up before they got much further than a few leaves, so have never seen their final form.

Thanks for the help, will try painting the leaves and see if that works.
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