Anyone know where i can play Dance Flash Games please?

24 Jul 2004
Been hooked on playing those flash games where you have to press arrow keys in time with the music as the arrow gets to the bottom of the page.

I have found 1 on but it isn't challenging enough.

Anyone know of any that will give me a decent challenge?

PiKe said:
I know it's not flash but it is free:

It's a SourceForge project so it installs and uninstalls cleanly.

Yep, been playing that for a while.

A friend actually sent me StepMania about a year ago but it was a weird version that you had to play with 5 keys... I got bored because it was too hard :p

I remebered about Stepmania 2 days ago & downloaded it again, this time it worked properly & have been playing loads :)

Also got a massive package of music for it with the steps and stuff :D

DJammyRasta said:
meh... i cant play those games using the arrow keys... any of them allow u to pick your own controls ? ;)

Yep, Stepmania allows you to change the keys.

I tried stepmania but the music I downloaded was very hard to follow, I had set the game option to beginner but it was just crazy.

It was one of DJ Sammy's tracks.
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